Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm here, I'm here!

I arrived in the Philippines just over 24 hours ago after receiving a very heart-warming welcome by the OC missionaries in Manila. They have been so kind and hospitable. These families have connected me with a few of their local friends and colleges to teach me some Tagalog phrases and to take me on to the streets to practice it. It has been so fun and the people here are so friendly! They also had me catch a ride back from the bank in a 'tricycle' (a compartment attached to the side of a motorbike) with a Filipino friend. I am very excited to keep learning more about the culture and to attend a Filipino church on Sunday. Tomorrow I begin orientation at Faith Academy.


  1. Super excited.
    Will be praying for you.

  2. Praying for you! God bless you, Kelsie!

  3. Hi Kelsie we met at your Grandmas funeral, i'm kind of a uncle, Merilee were together for about 30 yrs. Larry & Dean are my kid bros LOL What are you training for?
    Take care, Rich

  4. Hey I'm following you!! :) Love your pictures already friend! :)
