Friday, August 24, 2012

One Month of Teaching

I just finished my 4th week of teaching (but when you take all the flood days and public holidays in to consideration, its more like 2 1/2 weeks), and I am loving it! Many challenges have presented themselves (working with a new curriculum, unit planning, portfolios, learning routine and how to teach, classroom management, missing home, and living in a new culture), but it has been good to lean on God and those around me. First year of teaching is A LOT, but I am finding so much joy in it.

It has been fun to focus on the small things each day... the things that bring laughter to my classroom - student comments, interactions, and the things they do. They never cease to crack me up!

Each day I learn something new about teaching, expectations, classroom procedures, and class 'meetings'. You really need to think on your feet as a teacher. I have realized that there are so many things I haven't thought about or considered in teaching... time after time I am face with the question "Um, what do I do about this?"

This past week I had a 2nd grader ask to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, she only made it to the door before the class got to see what she had for breakfast that morning; she had thrown up all over the floor. Luckily another adult was in my classroom and took care of my poor 2nd grader and the mess, while I tried to bring the rest of my students' attention back to our handwriting lesson.

I also had the privilege of watching one of my students pick his nose, put this new found treasure in his mouth to moisten it, and then use the green/clear paste to paint pictures on his desk. Gross! A little conversation might need to take place shortly here. :)

Haha each day brings surprises, laughter, and learning. I feel so blessed to be in the Philippines, to be able to pray for/with my students, and to build in to their lives.


  1. So proud of you Kelsie! You are doing a great job!

  2. Great to hear some stories and life experiences!!! Love and miss you!

  3. I think you need to encourage mucus art boy (it must have been a boy...) - I think he's going places.

    Stoked to hear you're enjoying it kels!
